Friday, April 10, 2009

Speaking Spring

We made it!!! Give or take a few more chillier days, SPRING HAS COME. I was beginning to think we were too far up North in Yankeetown for it to ever get its lazy ass here.

I celebrated the first warm day by simply walking through the city. What I noticed was:

- mother nature waving her arboreal wand, turning on blooms in random trees and bushes like light bulbs
- freshly planted tulips in the little boxed-in tree gardens along the avenues
- gusts of wind so sudden and warm i found myself grinning so widely it forced the ipod buds out of my ears
- the more adventurous restaurants opening up their patios to the even more adventurous patrons who stopped by for a cappuccino or salad on the street
- a few simple souls chucking their scarves and jackets, bravely exposing their fish belly-pale skin and comfort food-fed stomachs
- passersby actually returning my smile with an appreciative one of their own
- patches of sunlight beaming down on me like a good ol' jazz song

I told myself before I moved here that I wanted to witness the changing of the seasons again. After 9 years in California, I became spoiled and felt it was time to jump into the real world. Apparently, I was in for more of a shock than I expected. The winter came with her hardened witch's fingers creeping down each vertebrae of my spine.

But now I can feel her relenting, knot by knot. With each one released I am reminded of what it means to feel the cycle of seasons whole and raw again. And I am comforted. Soon I will break out my flip flops, my coconut tanning oil and the mojitos and margaritas. Ah, New York, you are finally beginning to speak a language I can understand...and in doing so, becoming my New York.